| 1. | Because this sequence has the properties of super increasing sequence , it can be applied to general public key cryptosystems of the trapdoor knapsack 并利用它们的超递增序列特性,将其应用在常规的陷门背包公钥密码体制中。 |
| 2. | Public key cryptosystems , such as rsa , and symmetric algorithms , such as des - the most common ways to address the data confidentiality problem 公钥密码系统,譬如rsa ,对称演算法,譬如des这是解决资料机密性问题的最常用方法。 |
| 3. | Thesis introduce the history and current situation of public key cryptosystems , and the application at present in information safety field , with the developing direction in the future 论文介绍了公钥密码体制研究的历史与现状,及其目前在信息安全领域的应用,和未来的发展方向。 |
| 4. | In order to prevent encrypting system from being broken , the variant non - super increasing sequence is used as the trapdoor knapsack vector to improve the security of public key cryptosystems 为防止破译,本文采取变形的非超递增序列作为陷门背包向量,来提高背包公钥密码体制的安全性。 |
| 5. | As we have explained , public key cryptosystems are usually used to encrypt a message using the receiver s public key , which the receiver then decrypts with the corresponding private key 正如我们所解释的,公钥密码系统经常使用接收方公钥来加密讯息,然后接收方使用相应的专用密钥解密。 |
| 6. | Proceed from general conclusion of algebra on the finite field , study this special algebra system of elliptic curve on the finite field , discuss that sets up several theories of the public key cryptosystems and the problems of implementation on it 从有限域上的代数的一般结论出发,研究有限域上的椭圆曲线这一特殊的代数系统,讨论在其上建立公钥密码体制的若干理论和实现问题。 |
| 7. | Cryptography technology provides the basis for such a mechanism . symmetric cryptosystems can provide privacy service ; hash functions and message authentication codes can provide integrity service ; asymmetric cryptosystems ( public key cryptosystems ) can provide authentication service 对称密钥密码技术提供了机密性服务;杂凑函数和消息认证码提供了完整性服务;非对称密钥密码技术(公钥密码技术)提供了身份认证服务。 |
| 8. | With the fast development of internet , the problem of information security looks increasingly important . then on the basis of safe and high efficient encryption algorithm , some related network protocols are produced . compared with some other public key cryptosystems , elliptic curve cryptosystem ( ecc ) has many merits , so the special attention is paid to it by the network safety specialist in the world . ecc is widely argued because of no standard source code . in this article , the research is on the ecc theory and the implementation of it is also done 随着互联网的快速发展,信息安全问题显得日益重要。相关网络安全协议应运而生,而它们的基础都是安全高效的加密算法,椭圆曲线加密系统与其他公钥加密系统相比有许多优点,受到国内外安全专家的极大关注。可是椭圆曲线加密系统( ecc )并无公开的标准源代码,还处于“百花齐放,百家争鸣”的局面,文章对于安全的椭圆曲线加密系统做了理论研究和实现工作。 |